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Elections in Mongolia (1992-2021)
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Mongolia’s transition to democracy has been cemented over eight democratic election cycles, each of which has featured multi-party competition, led to peaceful transitions of power, and been deemed free and fair by most observers. These achievements are reminders that Mongolia remains a strong, albeit young, democracy that has shown resilience. Despite a positive overarching narrative, Mongolia’s democracy and its elections face challenges. Declining voter turnout is occurring at all three levels of elections (parliamentary, local, and presidential), a trend that corresponds with growing mistrust in the government and elected officials that can be observed. These challenges mirror those faced by many democracies around the world, but they are also driven by issues unique to Mongolian elections. This edited volume organizes and presents basic data and analysis on elections in Mongolia covering the period of 1992 to 2021. The report aims to make data more accessible and available while also providing analysis on how the Mongolian electoral system’s design impacts the country’s politics and governance. Discussions in this paper cover some key trends in Mongolian elections and provide analysis on explanations for declining voter turnout, the impact of electoral system instability and the state of political party competition, and how all these dynamics are impacting civic education, political party development, elections strategy, and legitimacy.
Эрхлэн гаргасан:
The Asia Foundation
Researchers: Badamdash.D, Faculty of Department of Political Science, National University of Mongolia Gerelt-Od.E, PhD, Political Scientist, Department of Social Sciences, Mongolian National University of Education Bat-Orgil.A, PhD Candidate in Asia and Oriental Studies at the University of Bonn, Germany Altanzul.A, PhD, Head of Department of Law, National Academy of Governance Shinebayar.G, PhD Candidate in Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Nihon University, Japan Undrakh.D, PhD, Associate Professor, National University of Mongolia Erdenedalai.B, PhD, Associate Professor, National University of Mongolia Sarantuya.B, Political Scientist, student of School of Law, National University of Mongolia Mark Koenig, Country representative of The Asia Foundation Mongolia This edited volume was produced under the Strengthening Women and Youth Engagement in the Electoral and Political Processes in Mongolia (SWYEEPPM) program, implemented jointly by the International Republican Institute (IRI) and The Asia Foundation, with financing from USAID and generous support from the people of America. Opinions expressed in this report do not express formal opinions of US Government, USAID, the Institute or the foundation. They are expressly the opinions of the authors.
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